Soundlibrary Mediaverse Discography and Filmography Database Soundlibrary Mediaverse
Music & Film Media Database

Liming Label Discography

Catalogue NumberFormat / Country / YearArtistTitleImage
LP Taiwan
Lui Meng ShingChinese Music Lui Meng Shing Chinese Music Taiwan Issue LP Liming LM-2131 Front Sleeve Image
LP Taiwan
Tom JonesTom Jones Special! Tom Jones Special! Taiwan Issue 12 Track Stereo LP Liming LM2327 Front Sleeve Image
LP Taiwan
SantanaEverybody's Everything Santana Everybody's Everything Taiwan Issue  Stereo LP Liming LM-2440 Front Sleeve Image
LP Taiwan
Donny OsmondTo You With Love, Donny Donny Osmond To You With Love, Donny Taiwan Issue Stereo LP Liming LM-2445 Front Sleeve Image
LP Taiwan
The HolliesGreatest Hits The Hollies Greatest Hits Taiwan Issue Stereo LP Liming LM-2591 Front Sleeve Image
LP Taiwan
Bob DylanShot Of Love Bob Dylan Shot Of Love Taiwan Issue 9 Track LP Liming LM-3116 Front Sleeve Image