Soundlibrary Mediaverse Discography and Filmography Database Soundlibrary Mediaverse
Music & Film Media Database

Josef Leo Gruber

Austrian Conductor


Josef Leopold Gruber - 21/01/1912 - 20/11/1984 - Berndorf, Rheinland-Pfaiz, Germany
The recordings of conductor Josef Leo Gruber appear mainly on budget record labels such as Westminster and Reader's Digest, one such example is the 1963 Reader's Digest RDM 2020 - RDM 2037 "Mood Music for Listening and Relaxation" UK Issue 12 LP box set
There are no known aliases for this Artist / Entity
There are no known memberships for this Artist / Entity
12LPMood Music For Listening And Relaxation
Reader's Digest
RDM 2020 - RDM 2037
LPThe Waltzes Of Johann Strauss
Reader's Digest
RDM 53
12LPMood Music for Listening and Relaxation
Reader's Digest
RDS 6020 - RDS 6037
LPMagical Melodies
Reader's Digest (RCA)
RDS 6411
LPBenatzy - White Horse Inn, Lehar - Paganini
WP 123
LPPaul Abraham - Flower Of Hawaii, Victoria And Her Hussar
WPS 124
ReelWaltzing In Vienna Volume 1
World Record Club
TT 176
ReelWaltzing In Vienna Volume 3
World Record Club
TT 305 1998 - 2023
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