Soundlibrary Mediaverse Discography and Filmography Database Soundlibrary Mediaverse
Music & Film Media Database
Genre - Monster Movie
VideoPat PetersonAlligatorBraveworldSTV 2080
VideoRobert ShawJawsCIC VideoVHA 1001
DVDHarry LauterIt Came From Beneath The SeaColumbia Tristar Home EntertainmentCDR 11731
DVDRay Harryhausen20 Million Miles To EarthColumbia Tristar Home EntertainmentCDR 11857
VideoFred MurphyQ The Winged SerpentHokushinVM 81
VideoTouchstone EntertainmentReign Of FireTouchstoneD011549
DVDDuncan HendersonDeep Blue SeaWarner Home Video17242
DVDJack PennickThe Beast From 20,000 FathomsWarner Home VideoD027534
VideoHoyt AxtonGremlinsWarner Home VideoPEV 11388